The momentum on AI continues to accelerate and everyone from Elon Musk with Steve Wozniak (Apple Co-Founder), to Bill Gates (see last blog) has an opinion. Some predictions are for…
Month: March 2023
How will Artificial Intelligence AI Impact Healthcare? Part 2
Since our last blog on this new subject on AI, I must admit to being stunned by the accelerating number of discussions on AI just in a few days. I…
How Will Artificial Intelligence AI Impact Healthcare? (Part 1)
It is nearly impossible to read any business news without running across the new ways that the OpenAI® ChatGPT® 2023, that is being used by both professional and non-professionals, in…
U.S. Healthcare Challenges and Opportunities in 2023 (Part 3)
2023 U.S. Healthcare Projections (with help of ChatGPT® Part 3) Healthcare Providers (primarily doctors , nurses, and clinicians) in the U.S. are in the middle of a crisis that is…
2023 U.S. Healthcare Projections (Part 2)
U.S. Healthcare Challenges and Opportunities in 2023 In Part 1, we mentioned that a future blog would address the challenges facing hospitals, providers, and consumers. We will add payors, or…